Credit Card Validator

Credit card validator tool is an online service that helps you check whether a credit card number is valid. It can also tell you the type of card and the issuing bank.

Credit Card Type Credit Card Number
American Express 371449635398431
Diners Club 30569309025904
Discover 6011111111111117
JCB 3530111333300000
MasterCard 5555555555554444
Visa 4916592289993918

Credit Card Validator

If you take credit cards as payment for your goods or services, then you need to be sure that the credit card information your customers provide is valid. A credit card validator tool can help you with this.


There are a few different ways that a credit card validator tool can check the validity of a credit card number. One way is by checking the length of the number and the types of digits used. Another way is to use the Luhn algorithm, which is a mathematical formula for determining whether a credit card number is valid.


The Luhn algorithm is the most common way that credit card companies determine whether a credit card number is valid. If you use a credit card validator tool that uses the Luhn algorithm, then you can be confident that your customers' credit card numbers are valid.

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